Reconocimiento a la labor de AmCham por parte del Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Joe Biden
“Mientras nos embarcamos en el siguiente siglo de alianza [de relaciones diplomáticas], American Chamber está impulsando esta alianza hacia adelante. Desde ayudar a integrar las cadenas de valor hasta apoyar la creación de empleos de calidad que protegen la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, están ayudando a transformar nuestro hemisferio en una potencia económica”.
The White House
It is an honor to congratulate the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico as you celebrate your 107th Annual Assembly.
This milestone comes at a moment of incredible promise and possibility for the relationship between Mexico and the United States. Our bilateral goods trade hit $799 billion last year- with over $1.5 million exchanged every minute – and Mexico is now America’s top trading partner. Together, alongside our partners in the region, we are looking to build upon this bilateral economic success through the Americas Partership for Economic Prosperity, which is strenghthening our supply chains, creating good-paying jobs, and growing our econimies from the bottom up and middle out. Your organization can and should be proud of its impact in achieving these accomplishments in both of our nations and extending them to the rest of the region.
In 2022, Mexico and the United States also cebrated 200 years of diplomatic relations. And it’s clear that, as we embark on the next century of our partnership, the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico is driving that partnership forward. From helping integrate our supply chains to supporting high-quality jobs that protect the dignity of all workers, you are helping transform our hemisphere into an economic powerhouse. You have been integral in my Administration’s efforts to scale up the industries of the future – from investing in clean energy and expanding electric vehicle battery manufacturing to boosting critical mineral production and more. The impact of your steadfast commitment and support will be felt for generations to come.
Thank you to all of the employees and families of the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico for this hard work. Your commitment proves that nothing is beyond our reach when Mexico and the United states stand together with common values and mutual respect.
Ciudad de México | 5 | Marzo | 2024